The QR code reader is very easy to use. The barcode reader works exactly the same. The qr scanner is fast and efficient.
It is the only QR code reader and png barcode that allows you to share the reading with others. Try it NOW !.
Barcode reader and QR code reader. It allows to read and share the QR code or Bar code by any means. It is simple and easy to use, just touch the "Scan QR" button and the QR code scanner will open, or you can touch the "Scan Barcode" button and the barcode scanner will open. Just by touching "Share / share" you can share the text, URL, ISBN, contact, email, location ... etc. The QRcode reader is fast and efficient. The QR scanner is widely used in all fields. The Barcode or barcode reader is one of the most used in shops and industries. Barcode scanner allows you to view detailed information at any time. QRcode scanner and Barcode scanner use the camera to decode.